Spiele-Palast: Life Ops – Game Designer
Project Duration: Ongoing
Platform: Crossplatoform PC & Mobile
Websites: palace-of-cards.com, spiele-palace.de
Made in Unity, Haxe
Team Size: ca. 20
Online Multiplayer Card Games
At the Palace of Cards you can play classic card games like Rummy or Skat against other players online. The games can be played cross-plattform from virtually any PC or mobile device. The games are constantly being improved and new games added to the portfolio.
My Role in the Team:
Research and design of virtual adaptation of classic card games
Design and documention of new features and systems, including mock-ups for UI
Conclusive documentation of existing features
Improve monetization based on user data
Writing texts for in-game menus and websites in DE and ENG
Soliris – Game Designer & Producer
Released: August 2019
Project Duration: 10 weeks
Platform: PC
Website: soliris.school4games.net
Made in Unity
Team Size: 17
Casual Game, Interactive Experience
New technology: Tobii Eye Tracker as main input device
Soliris is designed to be played with the Tobii Eyetracker. That means that you can control the entire game with your eyes only! Your planet is dirty, sick and riddled with trash. Help clean it up again! Dispose of trash, chide polluters and help nature to bring back life.
It was developed in cooperation with the Games Science Center, Berlin, to be exhibited there and introduce visitors to new technology.
My Role in the Team:
System Design and Balancing: character behavior, progression system, tutorial.
Creation of design documents, diagrams and sketches for the team to work with.
Coordination with the sound designer and implementation of SFX.
Production: Agile sprint planning, organizing a team of 17.
Quality Assurance, playtesting.
Relics of the Deep – Game Designer & Producer
Released: March 2019
Project Duration: 5 months
Platform: PC
Website: relicsofthedeep.school4games.net
Made in Unity
Team Size: 8
2D Turn-Based RPG
Relics of the Deep is a turn-based 2D Dungeon Crawler that draws a lot of inspiration from Darkest Dungeon.
You play a group of merfok heroes who set out to reclaim the palace of their ancestors from monsters and to re-discover the lost secret of metalwork.
My Role in the Team:
System Design, Encounter Design, Level Design and Balancing
Narrative Design and creative vision
Creation of design documents, diagrams and sketches for the team to work with
Agile Sprint Planning and presentations
PIN – Game Designer
Released: September 2018
Project Duration: 5 months
Platform: PC
Website: pin.school4games.net
Made in Unity
Team Size: 8
3D Point-and-Click Adventure
Pin is a cute family friendly 3D point & click adventure about a quirky robot seeking it's place in the animal community of an idyllic village.
My Role in the Team:
System Design and Puzzle Design.
Narrative Design, dialogues and creative vision.
Creation of design documents, diagrams and sketches for the team to work with.
Sound Design.
Magic Sabotage – Producer
Released: March 2018
Project Duration: 5 months
Platform: PC
Made in Godot
Team Size: 8
2D Trick Shot Puzzle Game
In this 2D trick-shot puzzle game you are challenged to smash all the glass vials with the limited number of bouncing fireballs. Aim carefully and trigger beautiful chain reactions to spread even more chaos.
My Role in the Team:
Study the fundamentals of Agile Development and teach them to the team while the project was already in progress.
Agile meeting and sprint planning, preparation and execution of presentations.
Creation of website & social media posts.
Game Jams
T.P. Rangers – Game Designer
Released: March 2020 | Project Duration: 2 days
Platform: PC | Made in Unity | Team Size: 6
Website: https://olaf-meissner.itch.io/tp-rangers
This local two-player game was created for the #1 Stay Save Jam in March 2020.
You are the T.P. Rangers and deliver important supplies to people's homes in a time of crisis. Each player takes care of one side of the road.
Area51TD – Game Designer
Released: September 2019 | Project Duration: 2 days
Platform: PC – Made in Unity – Team Size: 8
Website: https://frederiktrampenau.itch.io/area51td
This fast paced tower defense game was created during the Experience Jam at Kolibri Headquarters in September 2019.
Keep the aliens in and the civilians out of Area 51.
Sweet Sweet Halloween
Released: October 2018 | Project Duration: 2 days
Platform: PC – Made in Unity – Team Size: 6
Website: https://olaf-meissner.itch.io/sweet-sweet-halloween
Casual Game about grabbing the sweets and avoiding greens.